Saturday, February 12, 2011


The definition of the word 'compromise' is a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands. There are many situations in life where we can compromise with each other. For example, for a particular project that one has in school, the distribution of workload may spark of a heated argument in the project group. In serious cases, the entire group may even split up. I believe that this is also the case for some groups in our school. Why not compromise? In such situations, I think that this group should cool down then try to work things out slowly. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the one which said that he could not cope with such a large workload, then try to assign something lighter to him. If his reason is an invalid one, just try to compromise. No group wants to split up unhappily in the progress of their project which they long pains to think of and to gain approval to continue and the amount of time taken to proceed with the project. It would definitely be a waste of time and effort. So, I think that compromising is a very essential in any group of people working together for a project or even in work. The word 'compromise' and the action of doing it is very important.


  1. I don't think that your example on the person who says that his workload is too heavy but does not have a valid excuse is valid. Basically, I think that you are just trying to say that he is lazy. How do you reach a compromise with lazy people? It is through MUTUAL CONCESSION that a compromise is reached. What does the lazy person have to lose? Thus that example is not valid.

  2. Yes, the idea of a compromise is there. However, you can easily solve arguments and issues in project groups or any other groups by consulting your teacher or complain to the teacher. Of course, you have to be reasonable and think inside the shoes of the guy slacking or arguing. If you just randomly pick people and argue with them just because of a petty thing then its pretty immature. A compromise is usually worked out between parents and children or colleagues. It don't usually happen between teenagers our age as we usually like to settle disputes with either our mouth, our fist or simply reporting. :D
