Saturday, May 14, 2011

Racial Prejudice

Racial prejudice, another significant sight of prejudice. This is probably more common in countries with many people of different races and religions like Singapore. I have seen people from different races quarrel over religious issues. I believe that most Singaporeans have seen the main religious quarrel being over the Malay culture of not eating pork. I personally have seen it before, as stated in one of my previous blog posts. I find this quite a useless argument. I mean, like, you should respect someone else's culture in the first place if you want someone to respect yours. I find racial quarrels the most baseless as they do not even have a proper reason why they are quarrelling, it is just a quarrel due to disrespect for each other's culture. Therefore, I find these people who go around agitating people very erm... as the Chinese say, 无聊. Yah, that is what I think about them.

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