Saturday, February 26, 2011

Reflection on Term 1

Term 1 has been quite an enjoyable term for me, though. After more than a month of holiday, school seems quite difficult to adapt for the first two weeks. School work starts rolling in again, projects, performances, assignments. It really took me quite some time to get fully geared up for school life in Hwa Chong. Now, everything is ok for me, at least for now. The only difference from last was only a much heavier workload. The holidays are approaching, I really deserve a good rest for myself and I will get ready for Tern 2 by then.


  1. Personally, I have the same thoughts as you. Fortunately for both of us, the sabbatical week is approaching really soon and we would be able to have a relaxing week before the start of our week-long March holidays. I do hope most students indeed deserve a good rest though.

  2. Now that the tests are all over, we can finally relax ourselves. But there is still quite a lot of ACE to do and the deadline is coming nearer. But, I am looking forward to the holidays.

  3. Cheerios mate! I had a tough time too. All my EP3 training and tests are exhausting me. Luckily we have sabbatical week, a time for relaxing and to learn something fun!

  4. I do hope for a relaxing holiday.
    This term has been a extremely busy week for, especially week 4 to now, I had to stay back everyday in school for CCA, Competition training, AEP and Third language. Reaching home at 9pm is very common for me, hence I was not able to revise well for some of the subjects, not doing well for those test after week6. Hence I am really looking forward to the holidays. Not only using the holiday for relaxing purpose, but also a chance for me to buck up my studies.
    Jia Rui
