Saturday, February 26, 2011


There was this particular guy in my class, a little fat though, but quite a good person. It took me two whole years to get to know of his terrible plight. Despite his happy-go-lucky in everybody's mind, he never had a good night's sleep. This demonstrates why he never had his parent fetch him home, not even once. Whenever we had activities till 10 pm into the night, he would then go home by himself. Once, he sprained his leg and still had to go home himself. Everyone asked him what happened, he would only then reply with a smile and say,"It's alright."
Only a week ago, I found out that his parents are both gambling addicts, his father being the worse one. He always received phone calls at 2am in the morning, calling him to pick his drunk father at a pub. He would then appear in school worn out. He still had to hide everything from us and smile. I really pity his plight.



  1. Well whether this story is really fiction or not, it was really a sad story. I absolutely hope that this is not true as it was an awful experience living with parental love. If the parents of a child do not love him, but he loves his parents a lot, he is a noble man. There are times when we never knew how much someone have experienced and have to overcome. From your story, I have learnt a lot about courage. The character in your story was brave enough to live on, despite his lack of parental love and that inspired me a lot.

  2. This shows that we cannot prejudge anyone. For instance, if we say that he is a bad student before we know him better, it will be a wrong assumption. But instead, understand that maybe he has his problems and we can try to help him solve it.

  3. Even though I agree that this boy has a caring and compassionate heart, don't you think this is a little too extreme? Have you ever heard of a boy of a tender age receiving phone calls in the middle of the night and crawling out of bed afterwards to pick his father up? And have you ever heard of a school kid who keeps everything to himself and does not complain or tell anyone at all? Sorry that this comment is a little critical. :)

  4. A very sad story indeed. Though fictitious, it will touch many hearts :) However, there is one flaw in your story. How do you, the writer, know that the boy's two parents are gambling addicts and the father drinks at 2 am in the morning? On that area you might want to explain how that happened because you stated that the boy had to hide everything from his classmates. So it would be clearer on how the writer got that information.

  5. A rather short story, yet it tells us about certain problems of our society already. Although the combination of factors that make up your story may not be highly possible, I think that it is a good attempt to whip up a little story that is touching. I also got to think about whether if we are taking our parents (my apologies for repeating words which may have been heard a lot) 'for granted'. We are lucky to have parents who love us and are willing to nurture us, so let's not waste our parents' (and of course, teachers') efforts on us! That what I get from this story :)

  6. Well, I doubt that this would actually happen, since, as you can see from the above comments, it is too sad. I don't think that anyone's life would be so tragic that he would not only have both parents being gambling addicts. Also, if both parents are gambling addicts, chances are that he is going to be with his parents, not in school and pretending to be strong. Even if he wanted to go to school, he would not have money to do so. He would probably be working for money. However, it is rather sad, and we can learn from this little boy with a strong determination.
